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Graduates of Plant Production, Animal Production
For the graduates of the former departments of Plant Production and Animal Production there are guaranteed professional rights according to the P.D. 109/89 (Government Gazette A 47 / 10.2.89, article 1) and P.D. 109/89 (Government Gazette A 47 / 10.2.89, article 4) respectively.

To date, no comprehensive decision has been issued to secure special professional rights for graduates of the former Department of Floriculture – Landscape Architecture, except:

PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 154 (Government Gazette A 202 27/12/2017) according to which the graduates of the department “Floriculture and Landscape Architecture” of the University of Ioannina are included in the branch / specialty of teaching staff of secondary education PE18.30 “Greenhouse crops” and provided by the provisions of article 14 par. 1 and 8 approx. ιη ́ του ν. 1566/1985 (167 A ‘), in combination with article 15 of law. 1586/1986 (37 A ‘), and the no. D2 / 31826 / 23-12-1986 ministerial decision (932 B) ‘, as amended and in force,

Graduates of the Department of Agronomy
On 4/4/2017, was submitted to the Ministry of Higher Education / General Directorate of Higher Education Directorate of Organizational & Academic Development Department of Higher Education Organization, a joint proposal of the Agronomist Departments of the Technological Educational Institutions of the country the regulation of the professional rights of their graduates. This includes professional rights for graduates of all fields (Plant Production, Animal Production and Floriculture – Landscape Architecture) of the Department of Agronomy of the University of Ioannina, which emphasizes the need to issue professional rights for graduates of the former Department of Anthony . You can see the text of the joint proposal here.

Data on the employment of graduates of the department
Information on the employment of graduates of the department includes:
in the study “Quantitative and qualitative absorption of graduates of the Department of FLORISTRY AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE from the labor market DEPARTMENT OF FLOWER AND ARCHITECTURE from the labor market” (Giotis D., Ε.Π.Εκ.Μ.
in the annual internal evaluation reports